
Common threat actor activity in logs

While looking at my web server logs I found some interesting requests and decided to look into them. Below are the request examples and short explainations for them.

/actuator/gateway/routes Acutator endpoint scanning


Fortigate vulneravility (CVE-2022-42475)


Mirai botnet scanning


PhpStorm debugging session scanning


Alfa Shell PHP backdoor scanning


D-Link router DNS-hijacking vulnerability


4444 is the default Metaspoit framework shell port


Bots scanning for Guangzhou 1GE ONU V2801RW router RCE vulnerability


Microsoft Exchange server endpoint scanning


Another D-Link vuln (CVE-2022-44808)

POST /admin/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php or similar requests

PHPUnit vulnerability (CVE-2017-9841)